If your order is not what you expected, we will make it right. Sometimes, due to the age of the vehicles we service, it is not uncommon to find features changed or modified by previous owners. Although we make great efforts to provide the proper part for you vehicle, don’t despair if the one you receive doesn’t look anything like the part found on your vehicle. Please give us a call at (888) 243-0440 if you have questions about the parts you receive.
Returns are accepted for full refund or exchange up to 90 days from date of purchase (shipment). Returns are accepted for exchange only parts, up to 180 days from date of purchase (shipment). Special orders, custom orders and returns exceeding the listed limits may or may not be accepted, with or without a restocking fee, at the discretion of KC. Returns MUST be accompanied by a copy of the original invoice. Include a note indicating the reason for return. All items must be in the same condition as shipped.
Items cut, fitted, painted, glued, etc., will NOT be accepted.
How to Return:
Simply wrap up the parts in the packing material they were sent in and place back in box. Include a copy of the original invoice with your contact information and a reason why you are returning item. Ship postage paid to:
Kip Motor Company
Attn: Returns
2127 Crown Rd
Dallas, TX 75229
Upon receipt of your return, we will either substitute another product or refund your money.